(Age well foundation has recently carried out a nationwide survey to study and identify/understand the problem of isolation in old age during the month of January, 2010).
The experience of isolation or loneliness occurs in all human beings but it becomes a complex problem in Old Age. It is known that isolation is not a necessary accompaniment to ageing and that ageing is not solely responsible for the progress of isolation in older persons. However, there is a deep relationship between ageing and isolation.
Isolation is associated with a number of physical, social and psychological conditions. Generally, it is believed that older persons living alone or with their spouses feel isolated. But, today older persons living in nuclear or joint families also feel loneliness or isolation due to various reasons, particularly due to lack of social integration, less or no interaction amongst family members, etc.
With fast changing socio-economic scenario living conditions of the people all across the country have changed dramatically. Older persons find it very hard to cope with new socio-economic settings. Feeling of isolation and alienation with a sense of social marginalization is becoming a major problem for majority of the older persons. Thus, ever deepening sense of isolation/loneliness is diffusing the sheen of gracefulness of Old Age.
The study was carried out with the objective to identity the level of isolation and loneliness in Old Age, while going through the conditions older persons across the country are forced to live in. The study was also designed to look out for the responsible causes of isolation in old age and its consequences on the health of the elderly in particular and society in general.
83.71% older persons were found isolated in old age (60+). 8371 older persons out of total 10000 older persons contacted by Agewell volunteers said that they feel isolated or experience loneliness in their present life.
Level of isolation in old age of older persons living in urban areas was quite higher up to 89.8% in comparison to older persons of rural areas, where 77.62% people reportedly feel isolated.
4490 older persons contacted in urban areas were feeling isolated wherein rural areas only 3,891 older persons were found living with a sense of isolation.
In rural areas, 1119 older persons said that they are not feeling any kind of isolation or loneliness whereas in cities only 510 older persons said they were not isolated.
Majority of older persons (44.23%) said that no/less interaction with family members or within society is major cause of their state of isolation or loneliness.
37.81 % elderly feel isolated because they were living alone or with their spouse only.
(Types of Isolation in Next issue)
(Courtesy: Age well Foundation)
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