Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in all developed countries including India. The present day hectic life style is still worsening the situation even in younger subjects. Cholesterol is the main culprit for most cases of heart disease, it blocks the flow of blood to our heart. Without proper blood flow to the heart, things can go bad to worst very fast. Our cholesterol level in the blood is determined by several factors including one’s diet, genetic makeup, sedentary life style and increased stress levels, smoking, lack of exercise can help for accumulation of high cholesterol.
Regular checkups with proper diet and exercise can reverse high cholesterol and lead to long and healthy life.
Here is a list of nutraceuticals that you should consider taking for heart health and its function. They boost immune system, reduce blood clots, protect against heart attacks, increase good cholesterol(HDL), lower bad cholesterol(LDL), tri-glycerides, protect arteries from plaque building, lower blood pressure and keep blood sugar levels steady.
They are nutraceuticals which do the job. Omega3 fatty acids, phytoestrogens, phytosterols, polyphenols(anti-oxidants), B complex vitamins, alpha and beta carotenes, vitamin B12(folate), vitamin B6, niacin(vitB3), vitamin C and E, magnesium, potassium and calcium.
Animal proteins such as lean meat, egg white, fish, skinless and fatless chicken. Plant proteins such as beans, legumes, chick peas, black beans and kidney beans and soya beans are not only rich in high quality protein but also one of nature’s richest source of soluble fibre. They whisk the bad cholesterol out of your body and keep blood sugar levels steady. Say no to saturated fats., I,e., ghee, butter, lord etc.. Banish trans fats i.e., dalda and vanaspathi. Pump up mono and poly unsaturated fats i.e., oils like sunflower, soyabean, rice bran, canola and olive oils. Say good bye to chips bakery foods and deep fried foods and pickles. Say hello to nuts and dry fruits. Count complex carbo hydrates. Simply eating high fibre, whole grain breakfast could cut your risk of heart attack by 15%. Each grain of soluble fibre you consume could cut your LDL cholesterol as much as 2 units according to American heart health association
- Salmon fish: it has abundance of omega 3 fatty acids
- Flax seed: (aviselu) omega 3 fats, phytoestrogens and fibre.
- Oat meal: omega3 fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, folate, niacin, calcium and soluble fibre.
- Black and kidney beans: B complex vitamins, niacin, folate, magnesium, omega3 fats, calcium and soluble fibre.
- Almonds: plant omega3 fatty acids, vitamin E, magnesium, folate, fibre and heart friendly mono poly unsaturated fats, phytosterols.
- Walnuts: plant omega3 fats, vitamin E, magnesium, folate, fibre, heart healthy mono and polu unsaturated fats, phytosterols.
- Red wine: catachin, reservertol(flavonoids)
- Tuna: omega3 fats, folate, niacin.
- Tofu: Niacin,folate,calcium,magnesium and potassium.
- Brown rice: Bcomplex vitamins, fibre, niacin and magnesium.
- Blueberries: beta-carotene, lutien,anthocyanin, ellagic acid, vitamin C, folate, calcium, potassium, magnesium and fibre.
- Carrots: alpha carotene, fibre.
- Spinach: Bcomplex vitamins, folates, fibre, calcium, magnesium, potassium.
- Broccoli: beta carotene, vitamin C&E, calcium, potassium, folates and fibre.
- Sweet potato: beta carotene, vitamin A,C,E and fibre.
- Red bell peppers: beta carotene, lutene, b complex vitamins, folates and fibres.
- Aspharagus: beta carotene,lutene, B complex vitamins, folates and fibre.
- Oranges: beta-crypto-xanthin, alpha and beta carotene, lycopene, lutene, vitamin C, folate and fibre.
- Red tomatoes: alpha and beta carotene, lycopene, lutene, vitamin C, folate and fibre.
- Dark chocolates: reservertol, cocoa phenols(flavonoids)
So, choose any three or four out of the list and take in any shape either in breakfast, lunch or dinner and keep your heart healthy and going smoothly.
Compiled by Dr.K.Venkat Reddy
(Source: National Inst. Of Nutrition Tarnaka Hyd)
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